New Homeowners Demanded That I Remove ‘My Garbage’ From the Garage – a Week Later, They Called Begging Me To Return It

I never thought selling my parents’ house would be this complicated. I mean, I had already spent weeks cleaning, organizing, and reliving memories I wasn’t quite ready to part with.

Then I got hit with a ridiculous request from the new owners. When I got the call from my realtor two days after the closing, I knew my work wasn’t done.

A tense woman | Source: Pexels

A tense woman | Source: Pexels

“Joyce, the new owners are complaining about some ‘garbage’ left in the garage,” my realtor, Sarah, said, her voice tense with the stress of mediating between me and the Mitchells.

“Garbage?” I echoed, baffled. I had meticulously cleaned every inch of that place. “What are they talking about?”

“Apparently, they’re saying you left behind a bunch of stuff and they want it gone immediately. They’re threatening to charge you for additional cleaning costs if you don’t take care of it.”

A woman speaking on the phone | Source: Pexels

A woman speaking on the phone | Source: Pexels

I sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of my nose. “Of course they are. Alright, I’ll drive back and sort it out. Can’t have them messing with my credit or anything.”

Balancing life as a widowed single mother of three was tough enough without adding entitled new homeowners into the mix. My kids, Emma, Jake, and Liam, needed me, but so did this situation.

So, I took a day off from work, arranged for a friend to watch the kids, and prepared for the two-hour drive back to my parents’ old house.

Aerial view of a road | Source: Pexels

Aerial view of a road | Source: Pexels

As I drove, I mentally braced myself for what I assumed would be a minor cleanup. The Mitchells had seemed alright during the sale process, but now their true colors were showing.

Rich people’s problems, I thought. Must be nice to have nothing better to do than harass someone over imaginary trash.

When I finally arrived, I unlocked the garage and was hit with a wave of irritation.

“This is the garbage?” I snapped. “You’ve got to be kidding me!”

An outraged woman | Source: Pexels

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